Look What I Got!


Did you hear me squeal all the way from Chicagoland? My books are here! My books are here!
IMAG0350This can only mean one thing … The Better Man is going to be on sale soon! It’s true my second book comes out Monday, September 1st. It also happens to be Labor Day here in the US. What better way to relax after a day off than with a good book?

So, where can you get this book, you ask? Here are the links!

I am so excited for you guys to read this one that I’m going to give away a book to a lucky commenter. If you don’t win, don’t despair! You can also enter to win in my Goodreads contest. Click on the link in the sidebar.

Other exciting news – I’m going on tour. Okay, it’s a blog tour but still. Prism Book Tours is hosting The Better Man book tour starting September 15th. There will be interviews, excerpts, guest posts by yours truly, and reviews (hopefully some good ones!) There will also be another giveaway. During the tour, I’ll be giving away books, Amazon gift cards, and other cool swag. So be sure to check it out.

The Better Man BannerSo tell me, what made you happy today? Or what are your plans for the holiday weekend? Heck, just say hi. Anything will get you entered to win a book 🙂



25 thoughts on “Look What I Got!

  1. I’m so excited to read the new one! Congrats, lady, I’m thrilled for you.

    Plan for the weekend – power through the crap I need to get done and the books I’m in the middle of so that I can read this on Monday!

  2. Congratulations Amy!! I love the cover. What made me happy today? I posted an author friend’s book on PBSwap.com and another member requested it. I emailed my author friend to let her know because she’s been sad that her daughter left for college this month. I wanted to brighten her day, so that made me happy. I’m sure it will make her happy too that someone was interested in reading her book.

  3. Congratulations, Amy! Can’t wait to read The Better Man! Enjoy your release day/month…looking forward to your blog tour(:

  4. The nice, long weekend made me happy! We had lots of fun family time. Congrats on the release.! Looking forward to the book tour.

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